Dear 2022... You Rocked.

And I just want to say thank YOU! If you would've asked me two years ago if I would be doing photography full time, as a happy wife and mama, I wouldn't believe I'd be here. Some version of it, sure. But that's the amazing thing about blessings... they always show up when we don't fully expect them. I have prayed for this life, and although I feel as if there are many more areas and aspects I can grow in, I don't want to forget it. I prayed for this life. I am so very thankful for what God has given me.

2022 was my first year taking the leap to go full time with this business! It took a lot of prayer and patience to get here, but it was definitely the right decision for myself and my family. God is never wrong in the paths He leads us through! He is so, so good.

I have worked with and served so many amazing people! Clients, couples, vendors, photographers, and made so many friends along the way.

I exceeded my expectations of amount of bookings, and I only want to continue to grow each year.

I was published in a magazine for the first time this year!! What an unreal experience that felt like.

I traveled out of state for two weddings!!

There has been so much success this year. Has it always been easy? Of course not. But has it been a hundred percent worth it? ABSOLUTELY. It's been a journey that I'm still on and always want to cherish.

Thank you for taking this journey with me.

I am praying for so much more growth this year. I have a list of things I want to work on and improve; the goal is to check off everything on that list in 2023! Get ready to see more from Megan Allred Photography LLC. Let's all chase after our hopes and dreams, making them reality.

Goodbye 2022, hello 2023!! I'm ready for ya. Who's with me?!

Enjoy only a few of my favorite photos from this year... if you don't see yourself pictured here, just know that you are also a favorite, and I would add everyone if I had an unlimited amount of space and time. You are all here in my heart, always.